App Store Server Notifications

What are Apple's App Store Server Notifications?

This is a service Apple provides for auto-renewable subscription products. Apple will use this to send information to Nami's servers about renewals, upgrades, downgrades, cancellations and other similar changes to a subscriber's status.

You can read more about this here.

In order for Nami to stay up-to-date on the status of all your subscribers, you will need to set up Apple to send these notifications to the Nami platform. We'll then be able to keep your app up-to-date with the latest status for all your customers.

Apple Best Practice

Apple strongly recommends that all apps offering subscriptions set up a webserver to process these events and then update your mobile app based on the data received.


  1. First, let's find the URL where you will send the server notifications to Nami. Log in to the Control Center, go to the Integrations screen, and click the Apple App Store Platform you wish to configure Server Notifications for (or follow this link).

  1. Click the Copy button next to the Subscription Status URL field to add the URL to your clipboard.

  1. Now let's head over to App Store Connect and login.

  1. Click My Apps.

  1. In the left navigation, click on App Information under General and scroll down to the App Store Server Notifications section. You'll want to set up a URL for both the Production Server URL and the Sandbox Server URL.

Production vs Sandbox Server

Purchases made with Apple's sandbox will be sent to this URL. These include TestFlight builds and development builds run on-device when you do not have a StoreKit Configuration set up.

The Production Server URL will be used for actual purchases made on the App Store.

If you have created separate apps for development and test builds from your production app, you'll want to follow the next steps twice to get a different Server Notification URL for the Production and Sandbox URLs.

We'll walk through setting up just one. Click "Edit" under Production Server URL.

  1. In the modal that opens paste the URL you copied in step #2 above and then select Version 2 Notifications and click Save.

Use Version 2 Notifications

Nami supports V1 Notifications, but they will be deprecated by Apple in June 2024.

  1. Repeat the same process to set the URL for the Sandbox environment.

Have you set up your App Shared Secret in the Nami Control Center?

Without this information, we won't be able to link the incoming Apple Server to Server notifications to your Nami account.

Please follow these instructions to set up your Shared Secret.

Last updated