Quickstart Guide

A complete guide to getting up and running with Nami. Quickly.


We've defined a few roles below to help you assign work on your team.

Account Admin: The user who created the Nami organization. This user has all Nami permissions.

Store Admin: User(s) with full account access to the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, Amazon Appstore, etc. Check your permissions in the developer consoles if you aren't sure.

Engineering: User(s) in charge of writing code for your app.

Paywall Manager: User(s) from Product or Marketing who are responsible for the app experience and subscription lifecycle.

Time Estimates

We've provided time estimates for each step to help you plan your work. Time estimates assume you have 1 or 2 stores and 10-20 products. If you have more stores or products please adjust estimates accordingly.

Pre-requisite Step: Store Setup

Each store that you wish to sell in-app purchases on has some required setup you need to complete. This includes steps such as signing various agreements, authorizing users to make test purchases.

This setup may already be complete, but you should confirm. Not submitting your products for sale by Apple is a common problem that will block your Nami rollout.

Who: Store Admin Required: Admin access to App Store Connect, Google Play Console, Amazon Developer Console, and/or Roku Developer Time Estimate: 1 hour or less Tasks: (pick your store(s))

Setup your Nami Org

An Organization is a group of apps inside Nami. Your organization can have multiple members performing different roles.

Who: Account Admin Required: A Nami account. Head over to https://app.namiml.com/join to create an account if you don't already have one. Time Estimate: <5 minutes Tasks:

We recommend using a company email address when registering, as you won't be able to transfer your app to a different account later

Invite your Team

Your organization can have multiple users accessing it. Nami has different team member roles available to help control access.

Who: Account Admin Time Estimate: <10 minutes Tasks:

Add Apps

Your app may run across a multitude of platforms and form factors. All of these may be grouped under a single app to minimize the amount of configuration work needed to manage an app across multiple platforms.

Who: Account Admin or Engineering Time Estimate: <5 minutes Tasks:

Add Platform Integrations

App Platform are the stores you are going to sell your app on such as the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. Each store that you wish to sell in-app purchases on has some required setup you need to complete in order to purchase

Who: Account Admin or Engineering Required: Marketplace identifiers of all your organization's apps across all platforms and environments Time Estimate: 15 minutes or less Tasks: (pick your store(s))

Provide Store Credentials

In order to enable correct SDK purchase behavior, you must add the store credentials. Your organization has a shared set of Store Credentials that apply to all apps and platform integrations.

Who: Store Admin Required: Admin access to App Store Connect, Google Play Console, Amazon Developer Console, and/or Roku Developer Time Estimate: 30 minutes Tasks: (pick your store(s))

Add Products

Product SKUs must be added to your apps in order to see products on your paywall.

Who: Store or Account Admin Prerequisite Steps:

Required: SKU ids for all products available for sale in your apps Time Estimate: <30 minutes Tasks: (pick your store(s))

Nami can also sync product data directly from the App Store or Google Play. This is turned off by default, but can be abled on an opt-in basis. Contact support for details.

Integrate the SDK

Nami supports multiple different platforms and frameworks for integrating with your app.

Who: Engineering Required: Nami platform ID Time Estimate: 15 minutes Tasks: (pick your framework(s))

Subscription Management

There are 2 flavors of Subscription Management: Nami Subscription Management and Bring your Own Payment Code.

If you are on our Paywalls Only plan, you will want to follow the steps for Bring your Own Payment Code

Nami Subscription Management

When Nami manages your subscriptions, we've got you covered. All you need to do is setup your entitlements and configure your app to respond to purchases and entitlement updates.

Who: Account Admin and Engineering Prerequisite Tasks:

Time Estimate: 1 hour or less Tasks:

Bring your Own Payment Code

If you are using a third party for subscription management or bringing your own code, no problem. You just need to hook your payment code into Nami so that you get alerted about product purchases.

Who: Engineering Time Estimate: 1 hour Tasks:

Assign Paywall Placements

A “placement” is a location in the app that you want to show a paywall. Each placement has a label that is used by development to call the Nami SDK (see SDK Campaign Launch).

Each placement can have a number of campaigns, each with their own audience rule sets. And each campaign can have multiple paywalls, for A/B or multivariate testing.

Who: Paywall Manager Time Estimate: 15 minutes Tasks:

Create Paywalls and Campaigns

For each of your placements, you will want to create at least 1 campaign and assign at least 1 paywall to each campaign.

Who: Paywall Manager Prerequisite Tasks:

Time Estimate: 30 minutes Tasks:

Launch Paywall

To see your paywall live, add some code to your app.

Who: Engineering Prerequisite Tasks:

Required: Live campaign in the Nami Control Center Time Estimate: 10 minutes Tasks:

Manage User Identity


If your app allows users to sign into an account, it is important that you link the Nami SDK to the known user.

This is done by passing the Nami SDK what we call an external id. This numeric, UUID, or SHA256 value represents a known user in your system. By linking Nami’s anonymous records to an external ID, Nami can add this value as a foreign key to events produced by our system.

Who: Engineering Time Estimate: 30 minutes Tasks:

Instrument Paywall Analytics


Nami paywalls emit a robust stream of events that you can use to send campaign and interaction level event data to your own analytics provider.

Who: Engineering Time Estimate: 60 minutes Tasks:

Last updated