Customer Screen

The Customers screen in the Nami Control Center supports a couple of common use cases for users of our platform.

  • Find a list of all customers that match a list of criteria

  • Look up individual customer records and see everything Nami knows about this user

Let's take a quick tour of the Customers screen and understand how it can support these use cases.

List View

Click on Customers in the navigation to access our list view of all Customers on the platform.

📘 Nami PII Policy

Nami has a strict no-PII policy and therefore we do not collect actual customer names. We provide a Pseudonym to make it easier to reference these anonymous customer records.

Records are sorted by when the user was most recently updated.

  • Last Seen - this is the time of the last session of the customer, across all known devices

  • App Sessions - the number of App Sessions across all known devices

You may see users with 0 App Sessions and a Last Seen time of N/A. These are users that have been created by a server notification and are not linked to a device yet on the Nami platform.


Nami currently supports the following filters on the Customer list view

  • External ID - The unique identifier for the customer provided by the app (this is your customer identifier)

  • Nami Device ID - the UUID for a device on the Nami platform

  • Nami User ID - the UUID used to identify a user on the Nami platform

  • Platform - users have a device on the platform (Apple, Google, etc.)

To add a filter, click the + Filter button and select the field you wish to filter on.

You may apply each filter one time, and as many filters as you would like. Filters are applied using an AND, so if you set Platform to Apple and a Nami User ID, then the records will be shown for a user with the matching ID AND they must have a device using the app on the App Store.

If your filters result in no matching records, you can either remove individual filters to try and get back results or remove all filters to restart your search.

Remove any applied filter by clicking the x next to the filter.

Customer Detail Screen

📘 The Customer Detail Screen is available on our paid plans. Please contact us if you are interested in this feature.

Clicking on the Eye Icon for a particular record will take you to the detail screen for that customer.

Let's look at the different data elements available on this screen.

Identifying Information

The unique identifiers that Nami has for this user including Pseudonym, Nami's internal ID, and any External ID you have set.

Customer Lifetime Value

The total value of all purchases and subscription renewals for this customer.

Usage Information

This section includes some high-level metrics that provide an overview of the customer's usage of your app. These include the total number of purchases, total number of app sessions across all devices, and first and last dates for when the customer used the app and made a purchase.

Recent Revenue

A list of the most recent revenue for the customer.

Click See All Revenue to see the full revenue history for the customer.

Recent User Events

A list of the most recent user events for this user. See Event Types for a full list of user events.

Click the See All Events button to get more information about the events or see the full history for the customer.

Active Entitlements

A list of the current active entitlements for this user. Includes the SKU purchased that unlocked the entitlement.


A list of all devices associated with this user. Includes the platform, device model, language, and Nami SDK version running on that device.

Customer Revenue Screen

The Customer Revenue Screen shows all the revenue records for the customer, in order from most recent to oldest.

This screen will show the amount, currency, platform, purchase environment, and type of revenue.

Purchase Environment values:

  • production - a revenue record for a transaction made on the store

  • sandbox - this revenue was processed in the testing and development purchase environment for the particular store

  • nami_bypass_store - the revenue was logged in Nami's bypass store environment used for testing and development and was not processed through the store

Revenue Type values:

  • purchase - revenue was from a new purchase

  • renewal - revenue was from a subscription renewal

Customer User Events Screen

The customer events screen shows the full history of all User Events for this customer, from most recent to oldest. A full list of Event Types can be found here.

Clicking the Eye Icon next to a particular record will show you the full payload of all the data associated with the User Event.

Last updated