Using Charts


Subscription AnalyticsPaywall Analytics

Chart Options


Use this to select between Production and Testing and Development.

Note that on both Apple and Google Play apps Nami can automatically detect production purchases and sandbox purchases.

On Apple apps Nami can further detect if the app is running on a simulator, in a device development mode, or in a beta testing environment like Test Flight. These will all be labeled as Testing and Development.

Nami Best Practice

To ensure the most accurate analytics data, we recommend creating separate apps in the Nami Control Center for your production app on the store and for any testing and development builds, especially where you will be making test purchases.

Date Range

Choose the Date Range for the x-axis of the charts. You can currently select any date range in the past up through today. Some charts don't support all date ranges.

Pre-selected date range options are available below the calendar picker.


You can choose between UTC and US/Pacific for reporting.

App Store Connect reports are generated in US/Pacific timezone while Play Store Console reports are generated in UTC.

Date Resolution

Choose the resolution for the x-axis from the dropdown.


Your charts can be segmented to break down the chart total into underlying data segments. This allows you to compare performance of specific properties such as different paywall variants or monthly vs. annual subscriptions.

Not all charts have the same segments available. Some segments are only available on paid plans.


You can use chart filters to drill down into data on selected dimensions. You can apply multiple filters at one time.


Dimensions help break down the Metric in additional ways, as either a Segment or a Filter.

Not all charts support all dimensions for segmenting and filtering. Also, some dimensions require a paid plan. See below for details.





Either the purchase country or the device country




SDK Version



⚠️ This segment will read 'Unknown' if the purchase happened outside the app or on a non-Nami paywall

Team Business Enterprise


⚠️ This segment will read 'Unknown' if the purchase happened outside the app or on a non-Nami paywall or if the campaign in question has been deleted.

Team Business Enterprise


⚠️ This segment will read 'Unknown' if the purchase happened outside the app or on a non-Nami paywall

Team Business Enterprise

Product SKU

Team Business Enterprise

Product Duration

⚠️ This segment will read 'Unknown' if all your products are one-time purchases products or if you have not configured Subscription Duration for your products.

Team Business Enterprise

Trial Duration

⚠️ This segment will read 'Unknown' if all your products are one-time purchase products or if you have not configured Trial Duration for your products.

Team Business Enterprise

SKU Type

Subscription or one-time purchase

Team Business Enterprise

Downloading Data

Data is available in a CSV export on Team, Business, and Enterprise plans.

Overview Screen

The Overview screen provides quick highlights of the most important metrics for your app.

Filter by date range and Environment on the Overview screen. The resolution will default to day.

Last updated