Manage your Apps

Apps in the Nami system are owned by an Organization.

If you are the owner or admin of an organization, you manage that organization's apps.

App Structure

Your app may run across a multitude of platforms and form factors. All of these may be grouped under a single app to minimize the amount of configuration work needed to manage an app across multiple platforms.

However, for each of these platforms, your app might also have multiple environments such as development, staging, testing, and production. These environments should be setup as separate Nami apps. This allows you to test new functionality before rolling it out and separate your test users from real customers.

Best Practice

Setup a Nami app for each environment. E.g. Prod, Staging, Dev. Each app will have supporting App Platforms


In this diagram, company "AppCo" has Apple and Android apps and 3 environments: Production, Staging, and Development. Each environment is assigned a Nami app with Apple and Android platform integrations under each.

View Apps

  1. Locate account settings in the <<glossary:Control Center>> by first clicking the circular avatar icon in the upper right corner, then click Settings

  2. Select Apps from the Org menu

Add an App

  1. Click Add App to add a new app

  2. Give your app a new name and then click 'OK'

Edit an App

  1. To edit an app, click the Edit ✏️ icon in the Apps list

Editable fields include:

  • App Name

  • Icon

  • Default Language

Nami auto-generates an App ID for each app that cannot be changed. Use the 'Copy' button to copy it and reference it in your code.

Delete an App

  1. To delete an app, switch to that app inside your org and go to App Settings.

  2. Select 'Delete App' under the Danger Zone

  3. Confirm you want to delete the app in the popup.

Deleting an app is destructive. If you confirm, by click Yes, Delete this App, the app and all associated data will be deleted forever.

Last updated