Login Check

Premium Feature

Login Check is available on Business plans and up

Login Check allows your paywall to check whether the user has been signed in. This sign in state can be used for Conditions.

Turning on Login Check

  1. Click into the Capabilities tab

  2. Find 'Login Check'

  3. Click 'Add'

Login State Conditionals

You may want to show/hide content on the paywall based on the user's login state. A common example is to hide the Login Button if the user is already logged in.

  1. Add a Condition component

  2. Change the Visibility rules to 'User is not Logged In' (make sure you have turned on the Login Check capability first)

  3. Add a Login Button inside the Condition component

  4. Preview the Login state in the preview bar

Setting User Login State from your App

Developer Task

In order for this condition to work, you must use the Nami SDK login functions.

Learn about Account Management in the SDK.

Last updated