Track your Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) with Nami
Available on plans: Starter, Team, Business, Enterprise
Your net subscription revenue, normalized to 1 month subscription lengths. This metric averages your different pricing plans and billing periods so you can track your revenue trends.
MRR does not include one-time purchases or non-recurring products.
MRR may be lower than Revenue for a given month, as Revenue is tracked once time, and MRR is spread out over the entire billing period. For example, if a customer purchases an annual product for $120, the Revenue for that day would be $120. But the MRR would be $12, as the $120 is amortized over the 12 month billing period.
In order to calculate MRR, we need to know the subscription, trial, and grace period duration of all your recurring products.
Available Dimensions
Product SKU*
Product Duration*
Trial Duration*
*Available on Team, Business, and Enterprise plans
Last updated