
@objc public enum NamiPaywallAction : Int {
    case close_paywall = 0
    case restore_purchases = 1
    case sign_in = 2
    case buy_sku = 3
    case select_sku = 4
    case purchase_selected_sku = 5
    case purchase_success = 6
    case purchase_deferred = 7
    case purchase_failed = 8
    case purchase_cancelled = 9
    case purchase_unknown = 10

Show Paywall - the paywall is shown to the user

Close Paywall- the paywall is closed through the close control (if available), or by using the operating system to dismiss the view. For instance, through a hardware back button on Android or swiping the modal view away on iOS

Restore Purchases - the users invokes the paywall's restore purchases control

Sign In - the users invokes the paywall's sign in control for handling by the app developer

Buy Sku - the users starts the purchase flow by choosing a sku. For paywalls where product sku is a button that initiates the purchase flow.

Select Sku - the users selects a sku. For paywalls where the product skus are decoupled from the call to action button that initiates the purchase flow.

Purchase Selected Sku - the users starts the purchase flow from the selected sku. For paywalls where the product skus are decoupled from the call to action button that initiates the purchase flow.

Purchase Success - the purchase was successful. The paywall will be automatically closed. See purchases included on paywallActionHandler from NamiCampaignManager.launch

Purchase Failed - the purchase failed. See purchaseError included on paywallActionHandler from NamiCampaignManager.launch

Purchase Cancelled - the purchase flow was cancelled by the end user.

Purchase Unknown - an unknown purchase flow event was encountered

Purchase Deferred (Apple only) - the purchase was deferred.

Purchase Pending (Android only) - the purchase is pending.

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